John Pabst
John Pabst

Your Guide to Sell a Home in San Diego – North County

sell a home in San Diego - North County

When you have decided to sell a home in San Diego – North County, that will not be the last choice you need to make. There will be many more decisions to consider before you finalize the sale of your home. To help you with these choices and to ensure that you are making the right decisions for you and your family, our team at Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty - The Pabst Group has put together this step-by-step guide.

Because it is so important to be able to sell a home in San Diego – North County fast and for top dollar, our realtors are offering you a 12-step home selling guide that will guide you through the process, one phase at a time.

We know that your home is very likely your largest and most valuable asset, so we want to help you protect it and capitalize on it when you sell it. Our comprehensive guide will help you reduce your stress, remain in control of the home selling process, and make sure you can sell a home in San Diego – North County quickly and for the highest price possible. Best of all, this information is 100% free of charge!

Why Have You Decided to Sell a Home in San Diego – North County? 

For most home sellers, this is a bit of a no-brainer, but it is still important to understand your motivation for and the reason why you want to sell a home in San Diego – North County. Why? Because it will be the initial determining factor for your approach to the home selling process. 

Your motivation to sell a home in San Diego – North County will affect just about every aspect of the process. From setting the asking price to put in the listing to the amount of time, effort, and money you are willing to invest in the home in order to sell it, the entire process will depend on your motivation for selling. Want to sell your home for more? Read on!

Top Reasons Why People Need to Sell a Home in San Diego – North County Fast

A variety of reasons exist as to why you may need to sell a home in San Diego – North County, including:

  • Transferring for a new job
  • Trading up to a bigger house
  • Downsizing from too large of a home
  • Getting a lower mortgage payment
  • Avoiding the Real Estate Catch-22
  • Needing a change of location or neighborhood
  • Being closer to family or medical facilities
  • Getting a divorce

As long as you understand why you need to sell a home in San Diego – North County, you can ensure that you will be able to complete the process quickly. It is also essential that you keep your motivations to yourself and never allow a home buyer to find out your reason.

Why Can’t a Home Buyer Find Out Your Reason for Selling Your Home in San Diego – North County 

Negotiating the sale of your home can and will be affected by your motivation. One reason that a home buyer should never find out your motivation is because it could put you at a disadvantage during negotiations.

If a home buyer should happen to ask why you are trying to sell a home in San Diego – North County, all you need to tell them is that your housing needs have changed.

Many things can potentially run through the minds of home buyers if you do happen to disclose your reason for selling to them, and it could be detrimental to your goal to sell a home in San Diego – North County fast and for top dollar

To give you an idea, here are some of the things that a home buyer might think, given the reasons outlined above:

Transferring for a New Job

Although this is a totally valid reason for selling your home, it can lead a home buyer to believe that you are desperate to complete the sale. If this is the case, then a home buyer may submit a lowball offer, and you may not be able to sell a home in San Diego – North County quickly or for its true market value.

Trading Up to a Bigger House

You may have many different reasons why a bigger home would better suit your family’s needs, and the size of your current house should not influence a home buyer’s decision to buy a home or it meeting their needs.

If you are in need of a bigger home, you should not let a home buyer know this. It could cause a home buyer to question whether or not the home is also too small for their needs. If you’re looking to move to a bigger home, be sure to check out this report about our Moving Up Guarantee.

Downsizing from Too Large of a Home

From empty nesters to those going through a divorce, there are several reasons why you may need to downsize to a smaller home. Older home owners may also have difficulty keeping up with the required maintenance of their home, so downsizing may be a good option. 

Again, you should not allow the home buyer to know this because they may wonder if your current home is too large for them as well. It could derail the prospect of selling the house fast.

Getting a Lower Mortgage Payment

No one really wants to have high mortgage payments, and this includes your potential home buyers. They will be able to find out how much you paid for your home, and if the current asking price is similar to the price you paid, then the home buyer may come to believe that the house is overpriced. 

This is why it is essential that you find out exactly how much your home is worth before you list an asking price when you list your home for sale.

Avoiding the Real Estate Catch-22 

When you need to buy and sell a home in San Diego – North County at the same time, this could have a serious influence on your home selling prospects. 

If a potential home buyer is aware that you have already made an offer on another home, it could result in a lowball offer because of their expectation that you are desperate to sell fast and avoid the Real Estate Catch-22.

The Real Estate Catch-22 is essentially the situation in which you are buying and selling simultaneously. You may either end up with two mortgages for a short time or no home at all. This can lead to a very desperate situation. 

If a potential home buyer is made aware of this, the offer could be a lowball offer due to perceived desperation. Luckily, our team at Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty - The Pabst Group has the guaranteed home sale program to prevent this from occurring.

Needing a Change of Scenery or Location

Although it is completely natural to want a change of scenery, it could result in potential home buyers inventing reasons that you want to leave the location of your home. Worst of all, they may end up believing that there is a problem with the area that must be avoided. Obviously, your home selling plan could become derailed.

Being Closer to Family or Medical Facilities

As you might expect, medical issues are no one’s business but your own. Unfortunately, when home buyers find out about medical issues, they become very suspicious and may lead to an abandonment of their interest in your home. 

This is especially true now because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Home buyers may believe that they will become sick in your home if they find out that the reason you are moving is to be closer to medical facilities.

Get Your Homework Done before Setting an Asking Price to Sell a Home in San Diego – North County Fast 

Before you set an asking price in your listing, it is essential to do your homework and find out exactly what your home is worth in the current real estate market. That way, you know what the most reasonable asking price will be, and you can let your home buyers know the absolute maximum they will have to pay for the home.

Obviously, you want a home buyer to pay as close to your list price as possible. If you price the house too high, no one will take it seriously and your home will sit on the market for far longer than expected. You may also have to reduce the price dramatically before you get any attention. Pricing it too low will result in it selling for far less than you expected, and you will not be able to maximize your profits. 

At Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty - The Pabst Group, our realtors will make sure you know exactly what your home is worth in the current market, and we will advise you on what the listing price should be. We also offer unparalleled home seller satisfaction guarantees that will protect you and your investment.

Base Your Listing Price on Where You Live in San Diego – North County 

A variety of things need to be considered when you set a listing price for your home in order to ensure that it can be sold quickly and for the highest price possible. One of those considerations is the location of your home.

We have listed a few scenarios that will impact the listing price of your home. If you know what the homes in your area have sold for recently, you will have a better idea of how much you can realistically price your home to sell fast.

Being Located in a Subdivision

There are many perks to living in a subdivision, but one of the drawbacks is that a potential home buyer can easily find out what homes are worth in your area just by looking at any home in the subdivision. They will assume that your home (comparable to the others) will be priced similarly. 

If you price it higher than these other homes, you may find that home buyers are unwilling to pay the amount unless they know what makes your home worth more. Upgrades and renovations need to be obvious so that you stand out from the competition.

Being Located in an Older Neighborhood

As we all know, neighborhoods change over time and homes can become very different. If your home is located in an older neighborhood, it can be difficult to find comparable homes on which to base your asking price. For this reason, it is important to seek the advice and guidance of a real estate professional to determine the best price for your home.

Selling a Home on Your Own

Some homeowners may decide to sell a home in San Diego – North County on their own, without the help of a realtor. This is a much more challenging process because you have to get everything done on your own, including determining the right listing price. A good way to go about doing this on your own is to find out what other homes in the area have sold for in the last 6 months.

Another method is by visiting City Hall and checking into the home sale record for your community. If you are really interested in learning more about selling a home on your own, read this recent report, How To Sell Your Home Without An Agent And Save The Commission.

Visit Some Open Houses

To really find out what your competition is doing, the easiest (and most fun) way is to visit their open houses. You can discover what they are doing right and what can turn a home buyer away. Be sure to check out things such as:

  • Floor plans
  • Condition of the home
  • The appearance
  • Size of the lot
  • Location
  • Extra features

Make sure you note the asking price versus the selling price, and remember not to price your home higher than your competition unless it has noticeably more to offer the home buyers.

Sell a Home in San Diego – North County Fast with the Right Realtor

One of the most important decisions you have to make is choosing the right realtor who can sell a home in San Diego – North County fast. When you are working to find the right realtor, you need to get all the information you can, including these real estate agent selection factors during the interview process.

Your best choice in the San Diego – North County area is our real estate professionals at Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty - The Pabst Group. We have the needed experience and expertise to get the job done right!

Did you know that, according to The National Association of Realtors, two thirds of surveyed people who sold their homes independently would not do it again? The primary reasons were:

  • Setting a price
  • Marketing handicaps
  • Liability concerns
  • Time constraints 

Remember, not all realtors are the same. Be sure you read the report, Questions Real Estate Agents Hate, before you make your choice!

Why Our Realtors at Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty - The Pabst Group Are the Best Choice to Sell a Home in San Diego – North County 

At Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty - The Pabst Group, our realtors are part of an award-winning team with vast experience in the local real estate market. Our proven track record speaks for itself, and we can guarantee that we can sell a home in San Diego – North County fast and for top dollar.

And we are not just bragging. It is a proven fact that we can sell homes with legendary speed, no matter the state of the real estate market. Check out these stats:

  • We sell houses 66% times faster than average realtors 
  • Our pre-qualified home buyers database has over 11,659 home buyers looking for a home like yours
  • We might be able to sell a home in San Diego – North County for you before it is even listed on the market

Truly, you can’t sell homes faster than we can. And another great point is that we offer you a FREE home evaluation.

Make the Best First Impression

As we all know, the first impression is the most important, and this is true for your home as well. Because the home’s appearance is so important, it should certainly not be overlooked when you want to sell it. Remember, the look and feel of your home will help to create an emotional response in home buyers, and that is what really sells a home.

Home buyers want to see, hear, feel, and smell their families in the home they are going to buy, so it is critical that you help them do so by fixing and cleaning all parts of the home.

Clean and Fix Everything!

Before you sell a home in San Diego – North County, you need to clean and fix it like you never have before. You should strive to make scrubbing, tidying, and scouring every inch of the house a part of your daily routine in the weeks and days before it sells. 

Here are some items to put on your home’s to-do list:

  • Eliminate clutter
  • Dust everything
  • Repair squeaks, squeals, and creaks
  • Fix small things like light switches that don’t seem to work properly
  • Fill in cracks in the bathroom mirror or buy a new one

No two home buyers are the same, and you never know what will be a deal-breaker for any of them. It is better to be safe than sorry, so make cleaning and repairing a major part of your home selling process. Also, keep in mind that you are competing with resale homes and new construction!

No One Likes Odors

Whether you notice it or not, your home may have a funky smell that needs to go. Odors from things like food, pets, and smoking can quickly derail a deal, so be sure you eliminate all traces of unpleasant smells. 

Remember, if a home buyer thinks you smoke or have a smelly dog, they may start to smell odors or see stains that aren’t even there. Be sure you eliminate all traces or clues of these things.

Knowing Your Home Buyer’s Motivation Can Help You Sell a House in San Diego – North County Fast 

Remember when we told you how important it was to know your home selling motivation and to keep it secret? Now you need to figure out your home buyer’s motivation. The sooner you know it, the sooner you can take advantage of it in the negotiation process.

When you have this information, you can control the pace and duration of the negotiations and keep the upper hand. Even though home buyers want the most property for the least amount of money, you have to keep your goal in mind to sell quickly and for the most money.

If you know what motivates your home buyers, you can negotiate more effectively. The more you know about your home buyer’s situation, the better able you will be to sell a home in San Diego – North County fast and for the most money possible.

Stay Home Until It Sells

Studies in the real estate industry have proven that it is more difficult to sell a home in San Diego – North County when the house is empty. Vacant homes end up looking forgotten, forlorn, and unappealing to potential home buyers.

Seeing that a home has already been emptied gives home buyers a sense of eagerness in the home seller. If they think you are desperate to sell quickly, they may end up submitting a lowball offer and it could cost you thousands of dollars.

Know Your Home Buyer’s Budget and Timeline

It is critical that you have as much information about your home buyer as possible, especially when you go into the negotiating process. Some of this vital information is the home buyer’s budget and timeline to close. 

How much can the home buyer borrow, including the down payment? Are they qualified to borrow enough to pay your asking price? If it is not, they may submit a lowball offer. 

When do they want to close versus when do they need to close? Essentially, the home buyer may say want when they really mean need, all according to their timeline.   This information can be critical in your negotiations with this home buyer. 

Remember, you should always look to sell a home in your time frame with as little risk as possible. That can make the entire process much easier and stress-free.

Remain Calm During Negotiations

Your emotions can often get the best of you, especially during heated situations like negotiations. The important thing to remember is that you can sell a home in San Diego – North County much faster when you keep calm and collected. 

Even though you are likely very attached to this home, you must treat the home selling process (and especially the negotiations) like a business transaction with zero emotions. This will be very advantageous when the home buyers end up getting emotional.

How to Hand a Lowball Offer

Very frequently in the real estate industry, you will receive a lowball initial offer. It is totally normal, and you can consider it a testing of the waters. This lowball offer is much lower than what you and the home buyer both know will be paid for the property, so you should not get caught up with this offer. 

Here are a couple of ways to handle this type of offer:

Do Not Panic

As we said, the initial low offer is common. You do not want to panic or take it personally. Rather, you should evaluate the offer objectively and ensure that 

  • It spells out the offering price
  • There is a sufficient deposit on the down payment
  • The mortgage amount is specified
  • A closing date is noted
  • Special requests are put in writing 

Once this offer has been evaluated, you have a point from which to negotiate with the home buyer.

Have a Counter Offer Ready

After evaluating the offer, you can submit a counter offer. This should be an offer that is just below your asking price to show the home buyer that you did not take the initial offer seriously and you are ready to discuss real numbers for the sale of the home.

You can rest assured that you will only be negotiating with honest buyers once this initial lowball offer is out of the way. It should allow you to sell a home in San Diego – North County fast and for top dollar.

Should your home not sell for some reason, you do not need to worry or panic. Why? Because your realtors at Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty - The Pabst Group have options for you and answers to your questions. We guarantee that we will sell your home fast!

How to Properly Calculate Your Listing Price to Sell a Home in San Diego – North County Fast

When it comes to your listing price, this is not just a random number that you choose out of thin air. It must be carefully considered and calculated based on the current real estate market. 

Our realtors at Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty - The Pabst Group are often asked the same couple of questions about selling a home: how much can I sell a home in San Diego – North County for and how fast will it sell. In order to answer these questions, our real estate experts must first calculate your home’s current market value to ensure that it sells fast.

You Can Quickly Sell a Home in San Diego – North County for Cash

A great way to ensure that you can sell a home in San Diego – North County fast is to do so for cash. You can guarantee that you will get the most out of your property and be able to buy a new home without the weight of taking on new debt.

So, how can you find these cash buyers? When you work with our realtors at Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty - The Pabst Group, you can guarantee that we will have the cash buyers you need ready to buy your home now. 

We match your home with the right home buyer instantly using our marketing systems and consumer programs. These systems find the best home buyers automatically so that you will only have to leave your home for a truly interested home buyer to view it. This pre-qualified home buyer will be ready to buy your home now!

Sell a Home in San Diego – North County Fast with Our Experts

Are you ready to begin your home selling journey? If so, be sure to contact the very best realtors to ensure that you are able to sell a home in San Diego – North County fast and for top dollar. Call us at (760) 463-0099 or email us at [javascript protected email address].

If you would rather have an emailed response from one of our experts, fill out the form below with the requested information. We can’t wait to hear from you and help you jump into the real estate market! With our team, you will always have the information, tools, and resources you need to make the best decisions for you and your family.


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